BC: Fassbender Doing Right Thing on Amalgamation

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/11/19

Yesterday, we blogged about the Province’s refusal to break their own law and force amalgamation in the Greater Victoria area.

Today, the Times Colonist called on the provincial government to get more involved in the ongoing debate:

The Greater Victoria amalgamation issue needs a leader, not a facilitator, and the provincial government should be that leader. It needs a third-party, in-depth study to gather useful information, not a Kumbaya meeting of mayors that is unlikely to result in any meaningful progress. And the provincial government should conduct that study, as it has promised to do.


Fassbender said the province will act as a facilitator in discussions about regional governance. He has invited the region’s mayors to a meeting in early December. He spoke of “appropriate and important dialogue.”

Unless that meeting brings the region closer to an amalgamation study, it will be ignoring the results of the 2014 election, in which a majority of people who were allowed to vote on the issue indicated they wanted some kind of a study.

That's one point of view, I suppose. But would the same people howling about the lack of involvement of the BC Government be on the other side if Fassbender came in and ordered a study without getting the local politicians on board? I suspect they would.

Fassbender is walking a fine line here – he wants a meeting with the elected representatives before moving on a study. Who can blame him? The Greater Victoria area isn’t exactly a hotbed of support for the BC Liberals – his government holds just two seats on Vancouver Island – Comox Valley and Parksville-Qualicum. Neither are amalgamation possibilities.

Take your time, Minister. Get as many of these cities on board as possible and then do an independent, in-depth study. No need to rush - we'd rather you do this right than fast.

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